yes, I would pay $20 if it was all fixed up.
FYI, it would be good NOT to include the apostrophes (') around [value] but require this to be done in the module query settings so wildcards can be included. Does that make sense? Would it work?
[code:1]SELECT c.avatar, c.user_id, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.address,, u.username FROM #__comprofiler AS c, #__users AS u WHERE c.banned='0' AND (c.user_id = {AND c.address LIKE '%[value]%'}[/code:1]
Another way to do it: I just modified the module code to insert "char(37)" (%) before and after [value]. And then because [value] in this case is a full street address, I stripped out all numbers and N,S,E,W, St., Dr., Ave., etc...
This is just a way to list everyone on the same street from within a neighborhood user pool. It's still not ideal because it's not a true proximity doesn't catch nearby cross streets or filter out people on the same street but 5+ blocks away from you.
Post edited by: dpk, at: 2007/11/14 22:36