OOoh... Okay, yeah, i changed the suffix over to -TileCSS, and I'm actually seeing a change. I checked everything else, the float was correct, there was no display statement in the tilecss code I was using, but I added one anyways.
To be completely honest, CSS effs me up more than almost anything, and rarely does it make 100% sense to me. So, the way that complex classes are defined aren't always apparent.
Same goes with the SQL, but I think i'm making a bit of headway with that. I've defined a query to call a custom CB radio-button field that I created, so that in the results it will display what type of userprofile it is, whether photographer, artist, fan, gallery owner, whatever. But, I'm still having trouble with the Name part, I either get an error, or nothing, so I'm still going to beat away at that one.
Had two days off for my birthday yesterday, so I feel like I'm starting at square one again haha... Thanks for the help!