Haha, yeah, I suppose that'd help other people, huh. Here's my working functioning query:
[code:1]SELECT cb_membertype, c.firstname, cb_displayname, c.city, u.id, c.user_id, c.avatar FROM #__comprofiler AS c, #__users AS u WHERE c.avatar NOT LIKE 'NULL' AND c.banned=0 AND c.approved = '1' AND c.confirmed = '1' AND (u.id = c.user_id) ORDER BY RAND()[/code:1]
cb_membertype is a custom field in the profile containing fields like Artist, Photographer, Gallery, Fan, etc... cb_display name was my alternate thought on getting it to display a name, but I couldn't get it to override... so until I decide 100% i'm not using it, then i'm leaving it in the system. everything else is pretty self-explanatory (as in, I ripped off the query from a previous "I got it working!" post). I decided to put the city in the matrix as well, even though this is a local-based site, there are outlying areas...
Now I just have to tweak the formatting.