Thanks man, I understand the being exhausted thing, I've been that way all day hehe...
So here's what I've got going on right now:
I can NOT for the life of me get something like First Name, or Username, or any name to show up in the matrix. What I can do, however, is create all the fields I want, and those show up just fine. My current query is:
[code:1]SELECT cb_membertype, c.firstname, cb_displayname,, c.user_id, c.avatar FROM #__comprofiler AS c, #__users AS u WHERE c.avatar NOT LIKE 'NULL' AND c.banned=0 AND c.approved = '1' AND c.confirmed = '1' AND ( = c.user_id) ORDER BY RAND()[/code:1]
where cb_membertype is the radiobutton, c.firstname should be obvious, and cb_displayname is a text field I created to replace c.firstname in testing. So I've figured out that I don't have a single problem with creating my own fields and publishing those. I just don't know how to use the existing ones I guess.
My thoughts were that if I couldn't get one of the standard fields to display, I'd create a Display Name field, and use that instead of the normal name... However, getting that to show in the profile in substitute is a pain. So...
I guess I just need to figure out how to get Firstname to query and display properly.