No, that wasn't.
When I uncommented this lines, I don't become DHTML Floatingbox
Design works but floatingbox not.
In IE my design is destroyed, when I click on profilelink from Jomsocial and floatingbox is activ.
Look here:
In firefox design is okay.
Look here:
Please help.
I would like use floatingbox
Thank you.
Regards Danny
When I remove
echo "<div style='left: -450px;visibility:hidden;' id='floaterDiv' class='floaterTranslucent'>";
echo " <div class='floaterTitle'>"._UDDEMODULE_EXPRESSMESSAGE;
echo " <a href='javascript:uddfloatOut()'><img src='".$udd_moduleSubPath."/close.gif' border='0' alt='' /></a>";
echo " </div>";
echo " <div class='floaterBody'><br />".$udd_link."<br /><br /><img src='".$udd_moduleSubPath."/mail.gif' border='0' alt='' /></div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
from function uddepmscalldhtmlfloater($udd_DoAlert, $udd_timeout, $udd_rightpos, $udd_rightspeed, $udd_leftspeed, $udd_uddeicons_modulenewmess, $udd_message, $udd_pms_link, $udd_moduleSubPath)
Design in IE is also okay but then I have no Floatingbox
IE used this as placeholder.