Here's the same picture comparison, original on the left, download on the right after upload with resizing turned off. In comparison to same in my original posting, the image quality is clearly much improved for the same resolution, but there are still compression artifacts present. There must still be some resizing happening on the server. Is it possible to adjust the settings there to improve quality?
I did the same thing again with both resizing and resampling turned off. I couldn't see any different in the picture versus resampling turned on. Interestingly, the file size on the disk is actually smaller with resizing turned off than it is with it enabled! So it looks like the only drawback is the initial upload size when client-side resizing is off.
With resizing and resampling: filesize 157982, quality poor
Without resampling, without resizing:127970, quality much better
Without either resample or resizing:127970, quality much better (as above)
I haven't figured out what the re
sampling option is actually doing. I can't see any effect on picture quality or file size. Perhaps you could let me know please?