Internal activity logging is nearly complete. My current goal is to first migrate all the CB Auto Actions usages into core CB Activity. This means you won't need CB Auto Actions for these anymore. You'll be able to simply toggle them enabled or disabled as desired. All will be default disabled.
You'll have a fairly decent amount of control over them. Not only can they be toggle enabled or disabled you can make them based off a field. So for example a user could have a checkbox field to decide if they want specific activity to be logged. Additionally you can override what stream the activity is created on, what comment stream the activity will use, and what likes asset to use for the activity.
Similar will be done for Notifications moving them into core CB Activity. In addition to this a new API has been implemented for easily creating activity, which will make it much easier to implement activity generation for 3rd party extensions. It's a simple chainable class. Example as follows.
( new ActivityEntity( 'event.41' ) )
->setUserId( 31 )
This would generate an activity entry with an asset of event.41 and belong to the user with an id of 31. By default this will be placed on their profile stream, but there's chainable functions to specify what stream to post to.