The new Locations feature is coming along nicely. The first API implementation is for Google Maps. Next will be OpenStreetMaps. Other map types maybe considered for future releases. Additionally you'll be able to select None for the map type and continue with the old usage of requesting their address or using the find location button.
They'll have a nice map to scroll through and select what place they'll be at, going to, etc.. Additionally it supports geolocating. So if they click a building that doesn't have a place it will convert the latitude and longitude to a user friendly address if possible.
Please keep in mind these services provided by Google Maps are not entirely free. Everyone gets $200 of credits per month, which covers nearly 40,000 map API requests, which should be more than enough for most sites. It however will require an API key and a billing account at Google. This is why we'll be offerings other map types as well, but this by far gives the best experience for your users so it will be up to you as to what you'd like to do. OpenStreetMaps will be a solid free alternative, but it has significantly less Place data than Google Maps so please keep that in mind.