After taking a look at the pgm that wanted $15 for basic scripting, I took a look and made a few mods that overlays the Juice Files. The attached JUICE version works with the current Joomla and CB version and has a few more fields added. I cannot promise it is perfect, but significantly better than the previous release. This version includes a mapping to the core CB table and built in email notifications.
Note that the text file now needs the $username,$password,$lastname,$firstname,$address,$email, $cb_primaryacct,$cb_occupation,$cb_homephone fields within it. Feel free to modify it for your own use as I did document it a little better than what was there previously and do not plan on supporting it as much as share with the rest of us.
I believe this would be a great enhancement to the standard CB or Joomla build.
Please use the revised version of the script minus my email accounts as I was spammed by 2k emails this evening.
Thanks. - billt
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Post edited by: billt, at: 2006/12/07 02:27