Thank you very much. This helped me solved my issue. :woohoo:
artshotwell wrote: I have solved this issue. There were several records in the _assets table with parent_id of zero. After backing up the database, I ran this query, with good results. Registered users can now log in.
UPDATE `jos_assets` SET `parent_id`=1 WHERE `parent_id`=0 AND id>1;
I am having the same issue and have tried the fix assets and have checked all menu items but I am still getting an error... Fresh install of CB and Joomla 3.5
I can login as Super Admin but a regular registered user gets the You can't access the private section of this site.
Disregard I found the issue... it was a Global Permissions issue was wrong... Global -> Permissions -> Public -> Site Login... was set to Denied... I reset it to Allowed.