Allow me to dissent on this one, Beat.@all - please keep this civil
Developers have the freedom to decide how they want to distribute their work.
To summarize - what mikko did is just plain unprofessional.
Also, the CB Team has been looking closely at the actual need that some of mikko's work was satisfying and we are trying to create alternatives.
Post edited by: nant, at: 2008/09/20 11:12
Our work includes unlimited upgrades, additional modules, hacks, support etc.. if You find the one time fee too much for these services then be my guest and plant a money tree in our backyard and we will give it out under a GPL license.
You guys have been let down by Mikko as much as many of us did.
Didn't you learn any lesson from your very own awful experience as customers?
Don't you realize that APC failed not only because Mikko behaved unprofessionally but MAINLY because his licensing scheme generated a great deal of dependency?