I am assuming is has to do with having so many users. When the control panel loads... it loads all of the tabs at the same time (based on the tabs we are using...) so that can explain the long load time.
Here is a file which limits to 2000 users (per your info... can adjust if still not enough) would have to import in steps but that would be better than nothing. I would like to find what threshold the database can stay within the timeout.
I assume a typo on the phpBB 2.0.19 versus 2.0.9?
Rename this file to phpbbgui.php and overwrite the existing one... then let me know how it works.
... File didn't go try again (now have to unzip as well)
Post edited by: geeffland, at: 2006/03/12 20:31
CB3PD Developer - CB Connector (formerly phpBB Connector) plugin