I have been using webjay for a couple of months on my site, in the iPod nano player I bought from
. While it's pretty simple to use, it's not all that convenient. In spite of my many invitations to my members to build and submit a webjay playlist, I have yet to have a taker - most find it too tedious. Too bad, because as much as I'd like to put streaming mp3's on my site, I don't feel like defending myself in court against the RIAA.
XSPF playlists get you off the hook with that, but someone out there is hosting the song file and leaving themselves open to copyright infringement. With webjay, many of the links you put on a playlist become broken very quickly, I'm guessing for this very reason. So, on a webjay playlist of say 30 songs, on average less than half work.
FWIW, I looked into licensing for hosting streaming music, and it's a)too expensive and b) a major league PITA as you have to get agreements with the both the individual artists and the recording company. By the letter of the law, a simple site like mine would be considered a "webcasting" site even if all I wanted to do is let my members listen to a few tunes while browsing...
Sadly, I've found that allowing members to put "myspace"-type music and video codes into their profile via a creative tab is the safest way to get this kind of stuff on my site.
Post edited by: spikec, at: 2006/03/07 07:13