Hello again
you can use your own mp3 player but currently I havn't yet written any explainations on this.
The rule is that for each new website or player, you will need to change the regular expresion, but with a little training it's not that hard
To give you an idea to make some tests, you can try the following :
- download one of the avaiable player : Dewplayer for example.
save it somewhere in your ftp space.
- Put a mp3 file somewhere in your ftp space
now use the code generator in this page :
sorry it's all french but the usefull things to know are
Couleur de fond= background color
URL du fichier MP3= url of the mp3 file
Volume= volume
Lecture automatique ?= autostart file playing
Lecture en boucle = replay when the song is finished
go on bobby = generate the code (lol)
It has generated the following code :
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf?son=test.mp3&bgcolor=FFFFFF" width="200" height="20"><param name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf?son=test.mp3&bgcolor=FFFFFF" /></object>
it's your song code: you need to insert the path where dewplayer is located on your ftp and modify the song path too to match your settings.
Then you paste that in the user profile.
- Now you must modify the regexp code.
To start without a high security level, it should work with :
[code:1]^(<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"«»)(*.)(/></object>«»)$[/code:1]