Really outstanding work you guys are doing here! I wondered if I could entice you to broaden the planned features to include an endorser function. It works as follows...
Lets say the site has 4 subscription plans (A-free,B-$10,C-$20,D-$30)
When visitor attempts to join as level C, they must select two existing members (from a dropdown?) of the same plan level C or higher to endorse them.
Membership process then completes, payment for chosen level(C) is charged, visitor receives the minimum paid level access(level B until fully endorsed).
The two endorsers each get notices in their CB that they must approve the applicant. Simple click of yes/no and a comment box works for this area.
Once both endorsers agree to applicant then membership level for visitor is upgraded from B to C.
If one endorser says no, applicant must choose another and wait for their approval.
Backend needs to keep track of who is requesting endorsement from whom. I know this sounds like much, but I would be more than happy to donate a substantial amount of money to the cause. Feel free to contact me for details or discussions.
Thanks again for your work!
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