Hey my friends. I've been messing around with the plug that lennox did for adding karma to the user profiles. I've had intermitted results. Sometimes it gives the karma and sometimes it doesn't. Also sometimes it tells me you can't give karma for another 6 hours, even though that's the first one.
SO I've decided to hire out one of my joomla/cb programmers to create a user profile rating or karma system from scratch. This won't be dependent or related to the karma system of joomlaboard and it won't be a hack either. Hacks are cool but when upgrading it can be a real pain! It will be a CB plug with modules for diplaying user's ratings and there'll be a backend component for configuring it.
I'm paying to have this created so it may be a private thing I use just for my sites. HOWEVER the thought has crossed my mind to see if I can get a few people to chip in and help me cover the costs. Then I'd be inclined to just release it here. Or I've also thought even if I don't get any contributions I may just release it as a thank you and my contribution to the CB community.
CB Plugin showing user's ratings and allowing voting in the profile.
Module for displaying user's points, most or least
One karma count is resettable in the back end so you can run a weekly or monthly contest (time configurable) and then rest all karma's to zero when starting the next contest.
2nd karma is a running total which never gets reset.
(Hopefully) Configurable time limits (1 karma per day, per week or whatever)
Post edited by: mediaguru, at: 2006/10/19 17:32
CB/Joomla golf site:
Geek/joomla site:
Check out my Joomla/CB projects:
* LIKE thumbs up system for "liking" content items
* Karma - CB user rating system
* Golf Score Tracker
* Jitter - status update system. "What's on your mind?"
* CB Author Plug - Shows CB author link and avatar in content items. J1.5 compatible and very customizable!
Found on my web site or in the
Joomlapolis Directory