Here's my custom version. You can place the tab anywhere you want. It's already styled to look like a normal tab field entry.
It'll be the very first entry of the tab. Sorry, but I'm not program savvy enough to figure out how to give it ordering.
It supports additional field entrys. So change the title to whatever you want. Then simply add your fields to it to have a custom tab or menu with whatever info you want. This can be done from the fields backend. Simply set the field tab to Age (or whatever you changed it to) and walla it'll show within your age tab.
It can be placed anywhere you like and changed to whatever style you want.
The params still work as well. So no problems there. The tab will also hide the age if there is no age to display.
Sorry folks. That's the best I can do. I'm still learning this whole plugin system so I can make a ton of my own custom plugins.
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