If they don't work it might be because you have to setup your web presence in ICQ and AIM first by going to the settings in both messengers (not Trillian) and set it for everyone on the web to see you , and on the websites possibly aswell.
In your profile after you login to AIM and ICQ. I know I had to make sure i was listed in the ICQ directory for it to work plus set my ICQ settings in the messenger for visible for everyone. right off hand in AIM im not sure if its one setting or both. but if the plugin doesnt work this might be the cause.
Even as of this post I have yet to get MSN to work because of their switch over to Windows live messenger instead of the MSN messenger. So unless something down the road changes with them more than likely this won't work.
Hope this helps.
here is an updated version with the http:// correction.
Attachment plugin_onstat-b25a9442a3a7b800184647c48f798b79.zip not found
Post edited by: linksys, at: 2007/01/29 22:15