I've gotten it to work, though it took quite a bit of fiddling with it to work right.
Basically, I made the changes that were suggested in the board (I'll recap my exact changes below). I also found that after I installed the plugin, if I moved any fields to a new tab, it didn't seem to work anymore. Not sure if it was me just being a user or not, but if I reinstalled and only made the changes below (and then entered my information in), it came up fine.
My changes:
in onstat.php
For each of the lines that were to a messenger, I added an 's' in /image/
$return .= "<IMG name=\"ICQstatus\" SRC=\"$IndiServer/icq/$user->cb_ICQ\" align=\"absmiddle\" border=\"0\" ALT=\"ICQ\" title=\"ICQ\" onerror=\"this.onerror=null;this.src='$IndiServer/image
in onstat.xml
I changed the line that said (I think)
<option value="
Then I went to the 'tab manager' and changed the option for onlinestatus to 'the-server.net'
Everything has worked fine since.
Hope that helps
Post edited by: Sageth, at: 2006/04/07 04:58