I rechecked today your logs and CBSubs notifications (in CBSubs), and all go through to CBSubs just fine. E.g. last one of 15:01 UTC can be seen in both access logs (with code 499) and in CBSubs (with status VERIFIED). It must be something else that is sending this code 499 or delaying the reply.
When I try your notification URL from the access log in my browser, I get a very fast reply and code 200. But of course it's not a POST and doesn't contain the notification elements from 2CO. Will retry to emulate a POST to see the query time and response code.
Except the 499 code returned to 2CO, your notifications work fine and the plans are auto-renewed ?
For example, there's a transaction showing as pending on the main payment center page for today and three on 8/4. 2CO shows all of them as cleared and I've received an email from them that it's cleared.
I also show multiple renewals on 2CO but not in the history in CBSubs or on the account at all. Look at the 2CO for Morris or Mustola today for example. I did see a few others such as Eakin that went through. Nichols is one that actually expires today in CB but was paid today and shows in 2CO
Side note, clicking on the number of renewals gives me:
1054 Unknown column 'a.renewals' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__cbsubs_payments` AS a WHERE ( a.`time_paid_date` = '2017-09-08' ) AND ( a.`renewals` = '1' )
As already said, the number of renewals is a "cosmetic" bug in admin area only, unfortunately not easy to fix with the complexity of filters in CBSubs, but not related to your IPN error. I was under the impression that it was working, maybe I was unlucky in picking one that works.
Can you please PM me the exact variables for today's Morris IPN that didn't work (as you can see them in your 2co account) ? Want to try reproducing the IPN from here.
As your autorenewals don't work I'm re-increasing the prio of this issue.