Hi Guys,
I've tried to get a hold of Beat for the last few months via email and pm here but my messages seem to go to his spam folder so I thought I'd try here. We're on our last legs here and I'm really not looking forward to having to switch payment systems again but may have to if CBSubs can't repair the 2CO issues. This is for the beta version that Beat has sent me
1. Unsubscribe fails every time from user or admin side
2. Transactions constantly fail. 2Checkout blames the site software, I can't confirm if they're right or not but I know a lot of transactions never get registered. I moved our server from an Apache setup on a dedicated server over to a much faster Amazon EC2 running Nginx and the problem didn't get any better.
3. When we have a monthly subscription the Paid On date under Payments is showing the original plan start date and not the date of each payment. .The user had the same payment plan when we were with Paypal and the payment date changes each month. They re-signed up with 2CO and you can see the dates don't change
4. We have people with subscriptions that show they failed 4 or 6 months ago but the payments are still coming out. This could be related to #2. They show under CBSubs history but not under the user.
If anyone can help with these, it would be greatly appreciated. We're losing money on this on sales, tech support dealing with upset users and my employees being frustrated with me for not having it completely fixed sooner.