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Community Builder User management new user creation interface.


In this screen you have the ability to create a new user and populate the user profile field data. 

How to access

You can access the Community Builder User Management New User page by clicking on the top menu bar Community Builder → User Management → Add New User or by selecting Components → Community Builder → User Management and then clicking on the green New button.





On a clean Community Builder installation there are three tabs that contain editable fields for each user profile.

These tabs are:

  1. Canvas. By default this tab has the canvas field (TODO - link to reference manual).
  2. Contact Info. This tab has all the core fields associated with a user account.
  3. Portrait. Contains the core avatar field (TODO - link to reference manual). 

Note: New Tabs that are added from the Community Builder Tab Management page will appear on this screen.


Canvas tab

The Canvas tab has a single canvas field that can be processed through a drop down parameter in the following ways:

  1. No change of image. Lets canvas image field as it is.
  2. Upload image. Lets you select a locally stored image to upload.
  3. Select image from gallery. Lets you select on image from the built-in gallery.

Uploading canvas image

On the Canvas tab during user edit you can select 'Upload image' to be prompted to browse your local storage area and choose an image to upload.



Selecing canvas image from gallery

You can choose to select a canvas image from the built in canvas gallery.



Contact info tab

You can populate all fields on the Contact Info tab.



The following fields are available for processing:

  1. Name. The (full) name of the user. This form field is directly linked to the relevant Joomla user table column. 
  2. Username. The unique username of the user. This form field is directly linked to the relevant Joomla user table column.
  3. Email. The unique email address of the user. This form field is directly linked to the relevant Joomla user table column.
  4. Password. The password used to login (in combination with the username), This form field is directly linked to the relevant Joomla user table column.
  5. Verify Password. A verification form field used with the Password field.
  6. Backend Template Style. The Joomla template that this user should see when logging in to Joomla administration pages.
  7. Backend Language. The language that this user should see when logging in to Joomla administration pages.
  8. Frontend Language. The language that this user should see when logging in to Joomla frontend pages.
  9. Editor. The Editor user will see on any wysiswyg form fields.
  10. Help Site. The Help Site this user should be directed to.
  11. Time Zone. The time zone used to display date/time information to the user.
  12. Group. The Joomla groups this user belongs to.
  13. Block User. The Yes/No blocked status of this user. A blocked user cannot login.
  14. Approve User. The Community Builder approval status of the user. This is used and controlled based on the setting of the Community Builder → Configuration → Registration → Admin Approval parameter.
  15. Confirm User. The Community Builder email confirmation status of the user. This is used and controlled based on the setting of the Community Builder → Configuration → Registration → Email Confirmation parameter.
  16. Ban User. The Community Builder user profile banning status of the user.
  17. Receive Moderator Emails. A Yes/No parameter used to turn off moderator emails for this user. Works in combination with the Community Builder → Configuration → Moderation → Moderators View Access Level parameter and the Joomla ACL and group settings.
  18. Register Date. The sign-up date of this user.
  19. Last Visit Date. The last visit date of this user.
  20. Last Reset Time. The date and time of the last password reset for this user.
  21. Password Reset Count. The number of past password resets since the last reset date.
  22. Terms and Conditions. The Community Builder terms and conditions field status for this user.


  1. This list may vary from site to site based on extra fields added or field moved to other tabs.
  2. The Name field will be replaced by First Name, Middle Name, Last Name fields based on the Community Builder → Configuration → General → Name Style parameter setting.

Portrait tab

The Portrait tab has a single Profile Image field that can be processed through a drop down parameter in the following ways:

  1. No change of image. Lets Profile image field as it is.
  2. Upload image. Lets you select a locally stored image to upload.
  3. Select image from gallery. Lets you select on image from the built-in gallery.




Uploading Profile image

On the Portrait tab during user edit you can select 'Upload image' to be prompted to browse your local storage area and choose an image to upload.




Selecting portrait image from gallery

You can choose to select a Profile Image from the built in gallery.




At the top you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Save. Saves the user data and stays on the User Management page.
  • Save & Close. Save the user data and closes the form.
  • Cancel. Will discard and field changes made and close the form.


Quick Tips

  • Image uploads for canvas and portrait can be moderated based on there configuration settings.
  • Gallery selections are not moderated.
  • When moderators upload images they are automatically approved regardless of image moderation configuration settings.

Related information

  • User Management Edit page
  • User Management Mass Mailer page
  • User Management Permissions page
  • Configuration Registration Admin Approval parameter
  • Configuration General Name Style parameter
  • Configuration Moderation View Access Level parameter
  • Image field moderation settings
  • Tab Management Canvas tab
  • Tab Management Portrait tab
  • Field Management canvas field
  • Field Management avatar field

In addition to this online reference it is highly recommended that
you download the latest CB Primer Book here!