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Community Builder Field Management Edit interface.


In this screen you edit an existing field or create a new one.

How to access

You can access the Community Builder Field Management Edit page by clicking on the top menu bar, Components → Community Builder → Field Management or Community Builder → Field Management and clicking in the New button or selecting an existing plugin (ticking on the check-box) and clicking on the edit button. You can also directly create a new tab from the  Community Builder → Field Management → Add New Field menu.


Each core field has two main tabs of its own containing configuration parameters:

  1. Global. Contains basic configuration parameters for each tab.
  2. Parameters. Contains field specific configuration parameters that depend on the field type and are further organized in following sub-tabs:
    1. Layout
    2. Display
    3. Validation




Global tab Settings

The Global tab of every Community Builder tab has the following settings:

  1. Title. The text to be displayed as a field title.
  2. Description. Optional tooltip message describing the field that will be shown during profile editing.
  3. Publish. A Yes/No toggle button to publish or unpublish a field.
  4. Type. The field type. The following fieltypes are initially available (list may be expanded by CB plugins):
    1. Check Box (Single)
    2. Check Box (Multiple)
    3. Date
    4. Datetime
    5. Drop Down (Single Select)
    6. Drop Down (Multi-Select)
    7. Email Address
    8. Editor Text Area
    9. Text Area
    10. Text Field
    11. Integer Number
    12. Radio Buttons
    13. Web Address
    14. Image
    15. Password
    16. Custom HTML
    17. File
    18. Video
    19. Audio
    20. Rating
    21. Points
    22. Terms and Conditions
    23. Forum Status
  5. Tab. The tab this field is placed on.
  6. Required. A Yes/No toggle to make field required during editing.
  7. Read Only. A Yes/No toggle to make field read-only during frontend profile editing.
  8. Show on Profile. Sets how the field should be displayed during frontend profile viewing. Options are:
    1. No
    2. Yes. 1 Line with Title
    3. Yes, 1 Line with Empty Title
    4. Yes, 1 Line without Title
    5. Yes, 2 Lines with Title
  9. Show on Registration. Sets how the field should be displayed during registration form viewing. Options are:
    1. No
    2. Yes. 1 Line with Title
    3. Yes, 1 Line with Empty Title
    4. Yes, 1 Line without Title
    5. Yes, 2 Lines with Title
  10. Default Registration Value. Input the default value for this field during the registration process.
  11. Show on Profile Edit. Sets how the field should be displayed during frontend profile editing. Options are:
    1. No
    2. Yes. 1 Line with Title
    3. Yes, 1 Line with Empty Title
    4. Yes, 1 Line without Title
    5. Yes, 2 Lines with Title
  12. Searchable. Select is this field is searchable from user lists or not.
  13. Maximum Length. Optionally input the maximum number of characters for this field.
  14. Size. Optionally inpu the size of the HTML input for this field.
  15. Ordering. A drop-down parameter used to specify the ordering of this field in relation to other fields placed on the same tab.
  16. CSS Class. Optionally input the CSS class for this tab and its content. Seperate multiple classes with spaces.

Note: Some of the Global tab parameters will not appear for certain field types as not applicable.


Parameters Layout tab Settings

The Layout tab has the following parameters:

  1. Profile Value Layout. Optionally input substitution supported value layout on profile view. Layout determines how a field value is rendered on display. Substitute in the fields value with [value]. If left blank will default to [value].
  2. Profile Edit Value Layout. Optionally input substitution supported value layout on profile edit view.
  3. Userlist Value Layout. Optionally input substitution supported value layout on userlist view.
  4. Registration Value Layout. Optionally input substitution supported value layout on registration form view.
  5. Prepare Layouts Using Content Plugins. Allow Joomla content plugins to process profile data.
  6. Icons Display. Select how Icons are shown. Options are:
    1. Normal CB Default
    2. No Icons
    3. Only Required Icon
    4. Only Profile and No Profile Icons
    5. Only Required and Profile Icons
    6. Only Info Icon
    7. Only Info text
    8. Only Required and Info Icons
    9. Only Required Icon and Info text
    10. Only Profile and Info Icons
    11. Only Profile Icon and Info Text
    12. All Icons (Required, Profile, and Info)
    13. All Icons (Required and Profile) and Info Text


Parameters Display tab Settings

The Display tab has the following parameter:

  1. Placeholder Value. Optionally input substitution supported for HTML placeholder attribute value.


Parameters Validation tab Settings

The Validation tab has the following parameters:

  1. Minumum Length. Minimum length of content. 
  2. Authorized Input. Available options are:
    1. Any String ( /.*/ )
    2. Single Word ( /^[a-z]*$/i )
      1. Error in case of invalid input. Enter message to be displayed if this validation fails.
  3. Multiple words with spaces ( /^([a-z]+ *)*$/i ).
    1. Error in case of invalid input. Enter message to be displayed if this validation fails.
  4. Single a-z,A-Z,0-9,_ word ( /^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*$/i ).
    1. Error in case of invalid input. Enter message to be displayed if this validation fails.
  5. At least 6 chars, 1 a-z, 1 A-Z, 1 0-9, 1 special.
    1. Error in case of invalid input.
  6. Custom PERL regular expression.
    1. Perl Regular Expression
    2. Error in case of invalid input.
  7. Forbidden words at registration. Comma ( , ) separated list of words.
  8. Forbidden words in user profile edits. Comma ( , ) separated list of words.



At the top you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • Save. Save form and stays on current page.
  • Save & Close. Saves and closes form returning to previous page.
  • Save & New. Saves form and opend new field form.
  • Save as Copy. Saves a copy of this form.
  • Cancel. Cancels changes and returns to previous page.


Related information

  • none

In addition to this online reference it is highly recommended that
you download the latest CB Primer Book here!