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Community Builder Control Panel interface.


In this screen you see panel icon buttons that give your access to relevant Community Builder operational areas.

How to access

You can access the Community Builder Control Panel by clicking on the top menu bar, Components → Community Builder → Control Panel or Community Builder → Control Panel.



Panel Icons

The Control Panel initially displays the version number of your Community Builder installation potentially (depends on Version Checking parameter setting) follwed by a Latest version: message.

Each of the following clickable panel icons will appear below the Version number area messages:

  • User Management. When clicked on you will be taken to the User Management page. The icon footer area shows number of Users, Unconfirmed Users and Unapproved Users.
  • Tab Management. Takes you to the Tab Management page. The footer shows the number of tabs and the number of published tabs.
  • Field Management. Takes you to the Field Management page. The footer shows the number of fields and the number of published fields.
  • List Management. Takes you to the List Management page. The footer shows the number of lists and the number of published lists.
  • Plugin Management. Takes you to the Plugin Management page. The footer shows the number of plugins and the number of published plugins.
  • Tools. Takes you to the Tools page.
  • Configuration. Takes you to the Configuration page.



At the top toolbar you will see a single Help button that opens this help page.

Quick Tips

Each Close button on other Community Builder management pages will take you to the Control Panel page.

Related information

  • Version Checking parameter

In addition to this online reference it is highly recommended that
you download the latest CB Primer Book here!