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Paid members can download CB Gallery 1.0.2 from the Advanced Download area

The new CB Gallery add-on for CB 2.0.6+ is here and it supports photos, files, videos and music media items.

Your users will just love the new look and feel as they will be able to organize all their multimedia content on the 4 new user profile tabs (Photos, Files, Videos, Music). Each tab can have unlimited albums and users can easily organize their content giving them distinctive titles and descriptions. Plus everything works great on all viewing devices (desktop, tablets and mobile phones).

Here is a list of key features available:

  • Everything is mobile ready
  • 4 tabs (Photos, FIles, Videos, Music)
  • each tab can have unlimited albums (folders)
  • each album can have unlimited items
  • folders and items are editable with gear icon popup menu
  • folder names and item names are searchable
  • photos are clickable to reveal full size image in popup lightbox
  • file upload sizes can be configured for all items and allowed extension types can be configured for file items
  • limits can be imposed on number of folders and number of media items
  • moderation and captcha can be enabled for folder creation and media items
  • item linking can be enabled separately for each media type (only Youtube linking currently supported for video items)
  • backend folder and item management support lets your administrators add new folders or upload new media for users or edit existing items


Video Folder

Here is a sample screenshot of what your users can expect from a video folder album.



File Folder

A file folder album lets your users upload their files and share them with other users.


Music Folders

Your users will be able to create unlimited music albums on their profile pages.



This new CB Gallery add-on replaces the previous CB Profile Gallery plugin and gives your users so much more.

When you install CB Gallery for the first time on your CB 2.0.6+ website it will automatically detect and migrate all CB Profile Gallery items that finds. This way your user uploads will remain intact in this new super-clean environment.

Discuss CB Gallery on our forums.