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Easter holidays remind me of egg hunts I use to take place in when I was a child.

In tune with this tradition please find your easter egg discount code that you can use on any membership purchase (new, upgrade or renewal), CBSubs GPL membership or any Joomlapolis template package.

For your easter reading we have compiled a summary of latest news items that will interest you.

CB 1.9 is ready for Joomla 3.1!

j31b1releasedThe Joomla project has released Joomla CMS 3.1 beta 1 and will be releasing Joomla 3.1 stable later this week. Did you know that all our Joomlapolis add-ons are ready for Joomla 3.1?

Read more about Joomla 3.1 and CB readyness

Interfacing with the big social networks

cbconnect-newloginsTap into millions of users that are already connected on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Windows Live. Let them quickly and easily join your CB website using their other social network accounts. You can synchronize existing social network data and store it in your CB fields. You can also use social network apps (Facebook comments, share, Google badge, etc.) on your CB profiles.

Read more about CB Facebook and Twitter 3.0 add-ons
Read more about CB Connect 4.0

Packager makes everything a one-click process

packagerJoomlapolis has literally over 100 add-ons that can be combined to support almost any use case imaginable. No need to manually download and install each package separately.

You can use the Joomlapolis packager to create a single Joomla 1.5, 2.5 or 3.0 package containing the specific add-ons you want.

Just select everything you need, download the single package result and install it on your Joomla site.

Read more about the Joomlapolis CB Packager page

Turn content to money with CBSubs GPL

cbsubs smallThe CBSubs Paid subscription membership solution is a great way to leverage your Joomla content and services and make them generate revenues for you. Create duration specific subscription plans that protect your Joomla content (articles, categories, menus, modules, extensions) and require a valid subscription for access. Great for traditional clubs and almost any business application.

Watch the CBSubs videos
See the CBSubs Presentation Workflow
Read the CBSubs GPL announcement

Empower users to create their communities with GroupJive

minicommunitiesYour users will love the freedom to create and organize their very own communities and you will see an increase in participation and site membership growth. CB GroupJive 2.7 is here with 15 new features ready to empower your members to create their own mini-communities on your Joomla 3.0, 2.5, 1.5 website !

Read more about the CB GroupJive 2.7 release
Read more about CB GroupJive
See the GroupJive workflow presentation