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Wrong password sent at the user creation through Community Builder Interface

  • jpp12
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4 months 1 week ago #339412 by jpp12
Hi all,
I have an issue since the installation of Community builder 2.9.3
My environment is Joomla 5.2, php 8.2.24 MySQL 8.0.36
When I create a new user and define a new password in the administration interface through the community builder interface, the password I define is well registered in the joomla databse, but the mail that is sent to the user is different (a lot of characters) and the user cannot log in without the right password. If I try to connect with the password I defined, I ca log in without any issue.
If I define the new user through the joomla interface paswword that is sent is the right one.
Not that the issue is the sme with Joomla 5.1

Anyone has an idea?
Thanks in advance for your help

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  • krileon
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4 months 1 week ago #339414 by krileon
Seams to be working fine in my tests. Below is the default email sent when creating them in CB > User Management with a password supplied.
Welcome newuserpsw, Your application has been approved by our administration team. Your account with the following details: Email: newuserpsw@cb.invalid Name: newuserpsw Username: newuserpsw Password: newuserpsw has been activated. We welcome you to our online community and trust that together we will grow. Enjoy the experience! Kind Regards, Website Administration Team NOTE: This email was automatically generated from Joomla 5 CB (http://localhost/).

Please create a fake test user and supply the email that was sent to them. Be sure to remove your domain and site name from the NOTE footer and delete the user once email contents is provided.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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  • jpp12
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4 months 1 week ago #339435 by jpp12
Hello the mail I receive is the next one

Password is not the one I define in the administration interface
Thank you for your help
Bonjour Test Test,

Vous avez été inscrit sur le site Marseille Sports Loisirs Culture -Test par un administrateur.

Ce message contient l'identifiant et le mot de passe nécessaires pour vous connecter sur le site ***************

Identifiant : TestCB
Mot de passe : tvKA0lgWnaOypVSsDucYHCNGJlszIln6

Veuillez ne pas répondre à ce message expédié automatiquement pour votre information.

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  • krileon
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4 months 1 week ago #339436 by krileon
That doesn't look like CBs email. I believe that's Joomla's unless you customized the email. Within System > Manage > Plugins edit "User - Joomla!" then set "Notification Mail to User" to "No" and see if that email is still sending.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • jpp12
  • jpp12
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4 months 1 week ago #339440 by jpp12
I set Notification Mail to User to no in the plugin and I receive no mail.
Best regards

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