For a lot of templates, there's a position just above the automatic position for components. When there is one, that's an option as well. But not every template has one. The template I use does have one, but it spans the whole page width, not just the width of the automatic component position, so it's not ideal.
A good number of components have a special config parameter for this purpose, but many of those don't set it up to use a WYSIWYG editor. For those I've had pretty good luck using a Custom HTML module and the { loadposition module } built-in plugin or I'll use Regular Labs "Articles Anywhere", which works pretty much the same way but using an article instead of a Custom HTML module.
So there are some options and I've got something working, but I wanted to put in the feature request since it seemed reasonable. I'd definitely use it (if it were available) to explain how the profile editor works. We all know how it works, but you'd be surprised how many site users don't get the whole tabbed layout thing, for example.
Edit: I meant to mention that I tried what you suggested early on and the issue with it is that all the additional text and HTML shows up in the breadcrumbs path. Not pretty. Not at all.