I'm a part-time hobbyist-level developer. Back in 2013 I had a developer subscription to Joomlapolis and downloaded a copy of the application programming interface document, which hadn't changed much since it was freely available back in 2006. Back in the Joomla 1.0 era, I wrote a CB plugin that used to use the onBeforeUserProfileDisplay event, my handler for which stopped working within the past couple years or so. Searching through these forums, I found a recent reference to an event named onBeforeUserProfileEditDisplay, which actually seemed more concisely what I needed and I suspected may be the new event name. So I changed my code to use this event, the function for which has two fewer arguments that the old one, and voila! My code started working again. SORT OF.
I use this event to update the user profile after registration is confirmed, before the user has a chance to log in for the first time. The event handler updates profile fields setup as type multicheckbox or multiselect to assert the default values for these fields. In testing a new user registration, those checkboxes aren't checked upon the first entry into the profile editor, but I have confirmed the database updates were done (so my code is working) and the checkboxes are checked upon the second profile edit after registration.
It is my understanding that this particular event is supposed to give the handler the opportunity to do things like this BEFORE the profile is displayed for editing. Am I misunderstanding this? Is there some other/better event I should be using? I don't have the API document for CB 2.x.
I realize this isn't a Joomlapolis developer support forum and I can't justify the cost of a developer subscription since I only write free extensions, but if this isn't working the way it should be I thought the kind folks at Joomlapolis should know about it. Of course, I would appreciate any critical input on this from them or the community.
Thanks in advance,
Bruce S.
Bruce S - Vienna, VA