Hi CB Team,
i dont get it with this problem. I have anything in cofiguration turned off.
Hide empty field and
Hide empty tabs
But the Field is and tab are still visible in profil but they are empty. I now finde this to forum post
But even this help doesnt work for me.
I use my example field to let the user add her Facebook link. The field is called cb_facebook and i use the following code under Parameter -> Profillayout
<div align="left"><img style="float: left;margin-right: 10px;" src="/images/sampledata/facebook_32.png"><font size="2"><a href="http://[value]" target="_blank">[username]<br/>auf Facebook</a></font></div>
This worked perfekt bevor the update.
I tried to unpublish any plugin one by one to maybe finde a error that happens but i found nothing. Fields are still displaying even if they are empty.
If i look at my profil html it looks like this.
<div class="cb_field col-sm-12">
<div id="cbfv_94">
<div align="left"><img style="float: left;margin-right: 10px;" src="/images/sampledata/facebook_32.png"><font size="2"><a href="http://" target="_blank">Deko-tu<br>auf Facebook</a></font></div>
As you can see is the value empty but the field stil displaying... Hope anybody can help me with this. I dont know what i can try to get this to work. My only solution would be adding a class with display:none for emty field. But i think this should work somehow without going the class way.
Many Greetings