Hi there and thank you so long for your help.
I am doing our non-profitable business' web site. It is a support site for men, by men,
One of the things we want to do now, is where people can leave their details on the site if they are looking for jobs. The other side of the coin is that company's who have vacancies can put it on our site.
I have watched and did myself all tutorial videos up and till number 21. I must congratulate you on these tutorials.
Will I be able to design a community for job seekers and companies who have jobs? To upload your CV to the site is easy and I can do that. The thing I still need to figure out is the searchable fields. Let me explain ... I want to make sure that the job titles are spelled correctly, otherwise we are going to have mechanic, machenic and every possible wrong spelling available. I don't know how many fields will be needed:
1. Name
2. Surname
3. normal registration stuff plus date of birth, marital status, job status and so on.
4. I was thinking about three fields for the job seekers: job title/description, short paragraph to say something about yourself and a field to upload your CV.
Needless to say I will need to have the privacy extension.
I will appreciate any thought and recommendations.