Thank you for your concern and response.
krileon wrote: The userlist displays users from the usergroups you have selected. The access parameter is strictly in regards to how can see the userlist. In that regard ensure your view access level correctly has all the necessary usergroups selected.
I have checked : I ticked all usergroups in the "Adhérent" Access Level. The Adhérent View access is the one attributed to the list.
I have more than two child usergroups in the Adhérent Usergroup but assume I have only two : "Author" and "CB Moderator".
Some users will be only Adhérent, some will be Adhérent and Author, some will be "Adhérent", "Author" and "CB Moderator".
I selected the 3 usergroups "Adhérent" and "Author" and "CB Moderator" in the multiple selection User Groups of the CB list.
krileon wrote: The usergroup selection is absolute; this means the user must exactly have the one of the selected usergroups or they won't display. None of this has anything to do with CB Moderators. In fact they're not even checked in the query as there's no reason to.
When CB moderator is set as "Adhérent" and when connected as a simple Adhérent user, I can see the complete list.
When CB moderator is set as "Adhérent" and when connected as a multiple Adhérent/Author user, I can see the complete list.
When CB moderator is set as "Adhérent" and when connected as a multiple Adhérent/Author/CB Moderator user, I can see the complete list.
When CB moderator is set as "CB moderator" and when connected as a simple Adhérent user,
the list is truncated.
When CB moderator is set as "CB moderator" and when connected as a multiple Adhérent/Author user,
the list is truncated.
When CB moderator is set as "CB moderator" and when connected as a multiple Adhérent/Author/CB Moderator user, I can see the complete list.
List is also complete when CB moderator field is set at "Registered" access with is parent of "Adhérent" access
For sure in my configuration this CB Moderators field in CB configuration is checked !
I have tried to find-out if a particular configuration of multiple usergroups would be common to missing user in the list nut did not find any correlation.
I understand that it could be an error from my View Access and User Groups management but anyway I cannot see with I have this list variation depending on the CB Moderators field.