I'm using ambra subscription for the subsciption portion and cb login module, the newest version. I've been looking all over the place to find a solution that will automaticaly confirm and approve new users. The subscription automatically creates a user. It sends the email like this:
Original Message
From: The Hunted Child
To: melluoma@aol.com
Subject: Account Details for melluoma@aol.com at The Hunted Child
Sent: Feb 23, 2011 2:03 PM
Thank you for registering at The Hunted Child. After activation you may login to
using the following username and password:
Username: melluoma@aol.com
Password: vSzYMxvd
But there is never a activation link sent. Is there someway i can have an auto activation confirm? Has someone made a confirm plugin?
We have a site with subcribers but i have to manually activate their accounts and i don't have time... Help Please.