Dear Sir,
thank you very much for the very nice component, which is great working. We are using Joomly 1.5.5 and since yesterday, we do got the following error message every time we answer a pm. If we do send new messages, thare is no problem. Can you please help to solve the problem. Thanks a lot and best regards
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /homepages/7/d226465935/htdocs/xxxxxx/includes/router.php on line 141
printout: (red marked line 141)
//Only an Itemid ? Get the full information from the itemid
if(count($this->getVars()) == 1)
$item = $menu->getItem($this->getVar('Itemid'));
$vars = $vars + $item->query;
// Set the active menu item