Tjena du som behöver ett Å,
o_cee wrote:When sending a message with the "Quick Message" plugin to a user via UddeIM, containing foreign characters, they're displayed as html chars for the receiver.
Seems like an issue with the PMS Tab, no?
Yes, this is an issue with the plugin caused by the different ways PMS components use to store special characters. I'm confident that it will be fixed in upcoming versions of the plugin.
For the time being, you can fix it yourself.
Open the plugin file (pms.mypmspro.php) in directory
com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_pms_mypmspro. Around line 430, you'll find
$newmsg = htmlentities($this->_getReqParam("newmsg",
null)); //don't allow html input on user profile!
Replace that with:
if($pmsType=='3') {
$newmsg = $this->_getReqParam("newmsg", null);
} else {
$newmsg = htmlentities($this->_getReqParam("newmsg",
null)); //don't allow html input on user profile!
Hope this helps. Always backup any file before you change it.