Follow the instructions below and then read the manual (within the zipped file) BEFORE reinstalling again!
1.5 Deinstallation of uddeIM
1.5.1 I like to deinstall uddeIM completely. How can I do this?
I like to deinstall uddeIM completely in order to make a clean reinstall. How can I do this?
Default procedure (this is the same as for all Joomla components):
1. Deinstall uddeIM using the extension manager in Joomla.
2. Use phpMyAdmin and drop all tables that are prefixed uddeIM (plus the standard Joomla prefix), e.g. jos_uddeim, jos_uddeim_userlist etc.
When you have to deinstall uddeIM because of errors (e.g. installation was not finished correctly and uddeIM is not listed in the component manager) then do following:
1. When possible, deinstall uddeIM using the extension manager in Joomla.
2. Check if “/components/com_uddeim” and “/administrator/components/com_uddeim” still exist and if delete these folders.
3. Use phpMyAdmin and drop all tables that are prefixed uddeIM (plus the standard Joomla prefix), e.g. jos_uddeim, jos_uddeim_userlist etc.
4. Remove all uddeIM related entries from jos_menu and jos_extensions (chance to the prefix used on your system). You can clean up your database tables using following two commands:
uddeIM – Frequently Asked Questions Page 27
DELETE FROM `jos_menu` WHERE `link` LIKE '%uddeim%'
DELETE FROM `jos_extensions` WHERE `element`='com_uddeim'