thx for reply
Ok yea I figured out afterwards it wasnt there.
So how to make it work? Well this is what I think...
I already have the makings of the modal box
And I had a look at the code, and it seems that if I do this in uddeim.php:
1) add a new $task case
case "newpopup":
uddeIMnewModalMessage($userid, $item_id, $to_id, $recip, $runame, $pmessage, $config);
2) copy uddeIMnewMessage to uddeIMnewModalMessage
and strip out some stuff, mainly just comment out the top menu:
//uddeIMprintMenu($myself, 'new', $item_id, $config);
and fiddle about with css
3) then create link for my modalbox like this
$link = JRoute::_ ( "index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=newpopup&format=raw&recip=" . $row->user_id );
with those hacks I'm almost there
well it does work - it just doesnt submit via an ajax call so the whole page refreshes rather than the modal win closing and return to the existing page
So I'll have a look at the form submit.
does that make any sense - or will the uddeIM world explode around me?!