I'm upgrading my stsyem from CB 1.4 to 1.7
I downloaded your stable package 2.4 and upgraded the plugins in CB plugin manager first.
I then uninstalled the plugin 2.3 from joomla and reinstalled 2.4 (as I kept getting XML Parsing Error at 55:72. Error 73: > required error and thought it might be related to this plugin). I reinstalled the plugin and the error still remained, so I figured I'll uninstall the component itself and reinstall the latest version of your component.
While it was uninstalling everything went blank, both frontend and backend.
When I am not signed into my admin account I can view the login to the site's administrator page, but as soon as I sign in as administrator to the backend it gives me a blank screen so there is no way I can turn on debugging.
What are the steps I need to take to remove Uddeim MANUALLY from my server and erase all memory of it so I can do a fresh install?
Please answer soon, my site is down right now and it's super embarrassing.