When I try to install uddeIM 2.5beta in a new 1.7 site I get the following error and uddeIM does not install. Any suggestions on how to correct this problem.
MS 2003 Server
PHP 5.3.5
MySQL 5.5.9
Apache 2.2.17
Joomla 1.7.0
SQL error when attempting to save a messageDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'hunterclan.j17_uddeim' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO j17_uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, systemflag, disablereply, systemmessage, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (42, 42, 0, 'Welcome to uddeIM! You have succesfully installed uddeIM. Try viewing this message with different templates. You can set them in the administration backend of uddeIM. uddeIM is a project in development. If you find bugs or weaknesses, please write them to me so that we can make uddeIM better together. Good luck and have fun!', 1314415285, 1, 1, 'uddeIM', 1, 1314415285)
INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, systemflag, disablereply, systemmessage, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (42, 42, 0, 'Welcome to uddeIM!
You have succesfully installed uddeIM.
Try viewing this message with different templates. You can set them in the administration backend of uddeIM.
uddeIM is a project in development. If you find bugs or weaknesses, please write them to me so that we can make uddeIM better together.
Good luck and have fun!', 1314415285, 1, 1, 'uddeIM', 1, 1314415285)