So I have it set in CB to receive moderator emails (which I forgot actually what it means - I thought it just meant moderator emails to approve new logins), but apparently the setting also controls receiving system emails.
Anyway, I also have uddeIM installed, and now I'm not sure why, but when the moderator emails are turned on, and lets say user #1 posts an article on the front-end, user #2 (who has moderator emails set to yes and is a super-administrator) will receive the following email:
Subject: A new private message has arrived from <SITE NAME>
Message: Please login to <SITE URL> to read your message.
(I just used SITE NAME and SITE URL, but the actual SITE NAME and SITE URL come through in the message).
However, there is obviously no private message waiting when user #2 logs in, and I'm assuming there is something screwed up here and I should be receiving a notification that a new article has been posted, but am instead receiving this private message alert.
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this??? By the way, the notifications don't get sent out when I post via the back-end, only when I post via the front-end...