I'm sorry that I was very incomplete with my information before. My bad!!! I hope this is better!!
Here is a copy of the post that I just did a bit ago!
I got it fixed! Thanks anyway!! This is really great and it is exactly what I was needing..
Nope. I just thought that I did.
The main messaging system is working perfect. The issue is with the Notifier. It seems to be working and popping up fine in Google Chrome. It is working for some people in IE but not others. It seems to be not be working at all in Firefox.
In the uddeIM Component Panel All three Yes radio buttons are checked in the Integration tab and I turned the Ajax off and on both, in the mod_uddeIM module. I don't think there was a problem with the Ajax because it was working fine for me turned on, but that was with me using Google Chrome. I use Google Chrome for a browser and the one gal that was helping me check it out is still on IE. I have since tried it with a friend that is computer and web savey and he tried all three browsers on his end. The Google Chrome popped up and worked perfect. For him the popup notifier didn't work on IE or Firefox either one. I am sure that I am just missing a setting someplace.
Any other settings that I should be checking??
Thanks again!!