Thank you for this component. You job is very useful.
I installed uddeIM, Community Builder and Kunena forum twice on different sites with Joomla 1.5.14.
It's all okay with the first site.
But now, I have a problem.
Warning: preg_match_all() [function.preg-match-all]: Compilation failed: missing ) at offset 33 in ...my_site...public_html/plugins/system/jfdatabase/intercept.jdatabasemysql.php on line 270
This error is on the PMS-folder-page if a folder contain messages. There is no errors if the folder is empty.
The line 270 in ...my_site.../public_html/plugins/system/jfdatabase/intercept.jdatabasemysql.php
[code:1]preg_match_all("/$prefix(\w*)\s+AS\s+".$tempTable."[,\s]/i",$this->_sql, $tempArray, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);[/code:1]
I don't see any errors.
Help me, please. What's wrong?