I might have goofed. I thought I backed up the database for Uddeim, but can't find it.
I uninstall 1.7 and installed 1.9.
Works great up until I try to send a message. I get this with a send. Looks like I'm missing a column replyid... Before I make it worse, am I better to recreate the table from scratch or an easier fix?
I did copy the 1.7-->1.9 README text into phpmyadmin and executed.
SQL error when attempting to save a messageDB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'replyid' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO jos_uddeim (fromid, toid, replyid, message, datum) VALUES (63, 75, 0, 'test', 1256131541)
INSERT INTO jos_uddeim (fromid, toid, replyid, message, datum) VALUES (63, 75, 0, 'test', 1256131541)
Post edited by: zoomlanski, at: 2009/10/21 20:33