Email notifications are sent whenever users create PM's.
But, when I send a PM via php code from one of my custom components, the PM is sent in uddeIM, but there's no email notification sent. I've been reading, and maybe this isn't possible? I thought it worked a long time ago when I developed it, but could be wrong.
I use the php code:
"INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, disablereply, systemmessage)
VALUES (62, '$toid', '$wildmsg', '$t', 1, 'System')";
Just to summarize:
email notifications ARE sent from Joomla
email notifications ARE sent from uddeIM when a PM is sent through uddeIM or CB quick msg.
When the above php code is executed, the PM DOES appear in the user's uddeIM inbox, but no email is sent.
Is there something else I can add to my code? I'm sorry if I didn't find it in the FAQ.