Hello JoomlaPolis Team,
I am reaching out to you because currently I have a site offering classes with only one paid subscription plan giving access to everything at the moment and we would like to add two other cheaper plans and give access to different areas of the site (for example we have one with all the classes and the forum, and we'd like to add one with all the classes but with only the announcements part of the forum and another one with classes on one specific subject with specific parts of the forum). The site uses CB integrated with a kunena forum and ranks are a part of it, which are displayed on each member's profile page and forum posts.
Each subscription plan assigns a member to a specific usergroup (for example, the “Member 1” plan assigns the member to the “Member 1” usergroup) and depending on the Access Levels set up, they have access to specific pages according to the usergroup they belong to.
All of this is working well so far but I am stuck at one point. I would like each usergroup to be automatically assigned to a kunena rank. So if a person subscribes to the “Member 1” plan, then this person is assigned to the corresponding usergroup by CB and I’d love that this member be assigned to the “Member 1” rank on Kunena. And if a person subscribes to the “Member 2” plan, then they’ll be assigned to “Member 2” usergroup and I’d love this member to be assigned with the “Member 2” rank. So that each usergroup has its own rank.
And if they change their subscription plan and then their usergroup, they are assigned to the new corresponding rank.
Since it is not possible to do this through kunena directly yet, I thought about using CB Auto-Actions which seems to enable this kind of actions and I have tried to make it work in trying to understand it intuitively since I am new to it but it doesn’t.
I am sharing with you the settings I tried to do what I’d like to,
Global Tab
Triggers : onAfterNewUser, onAfterUpdateUser, onAfterUserApproval, onAfterUserRegistration, onAfterUserUpdate
Type : Field
User : Automatic
Access : Everybody
Conditions Tab
Field : Usergroups
User : Action User
Operator : Has
Usergroups : Member 1
Action Tab
Field : cb_forumrank (I tried with “cb_forumrank_title” instead too)
Operator : Set (Field = Value)
Value : Member 1 (I tried putting the kunena rank ID number instead too)
Translate Value : No
Save Directly : Yes
User : (blank)
And for the other tabs, I didn’t change anything.
I simulated a registration with “Member 1” subscription plan which assigned me to the “Member 1” usergroup automatically but it didn’t do anything and didn’t change to the “Member 1” rank.
I tried with the other subscription plans / usergroups but it didn't work either.
Could you please help me understand what can I do differently for this to work and what is missing ?
Thank you in advance and best wishes,