I like to track changes made on CB profile fields. So I set a trigger on onBeforeUpdateUser and like to Create an activity with theme profile.[user_id].update and a message: "before. [var3_cb_xyz]<br>after: [var1_cb_xyz]"
The first time I changed my user field xyz from "A" to "B" I can see the new activity record created with message "before: A<br>after: B".
BUT: When I changed the user again from B to C, I only see one activity with "before: B<br>After: C". This activity has the same ID like the previous one, so even if I said Modus=Activity, Method=Create, it only creates once and after that it updates this activity.
Is this a bug or planned feature?
Because I liked it similar to the login script you provide in the system actions, with tracks all logins.