I have upgraded to the latest Community builder and have "PURCHASED" the current version of the Antispam CB Plugin package and support services and maintenance releases for 1 month. I can't get the plugin to install and I receive the following message:
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file
What am I doing wrong? Can anyone tell me? Thank you!
blakejl2665 wrote: I have upgraded to the latest Community builder and have "PURCHASED" the current version of the Antispam CB Plugin package and support services and maintenance releases for 1 month. I can't get the plugin to install and I receive the following message:
JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file
What am I doing wrong? Can anyone tell me? Thank you!
It needs to be installed using the CB Plugin manager and not the Joomla installer.
That was it.. Thank you. I was trying to install an older captcha by mistake and I was using the Joomla and not community builder... Thank you so much!