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Notifications on by default

  • fioresns
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1 month 1 week ago #340178 by fioresns
Notifications on by default was created by fioresns
Hello! I see the notification fields. How can I make them become "on" by default (that means that if user doesn't disable them, he gets the notifications)?
And: is there a field or a json file or something like that that counts user's notification? 

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  • krileon
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1 month 1 week ago #340182 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Notifications on by default
Notifications dependent on CB fields will be entirely based on how you've setup that field. So to have them enabled by default then that field should have a value that would enable it by default. Typically you'd use a checkbox field. If you don't display them on registration then the only way to enable them by default is to use a Field action in CB Auto Actions to enable them after a user registers to force those notifications on. In a future release of CB 3.x we'll have a centralized notifications page to make this easier.

And: is there a field or a json file or something like that that counts user's notification?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. Count their notifications in CB Activity?

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • fioresns
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1 month 1 week ago - 1 month 1 week ago #340189 by fioresns
Replied by fioresns on topic Notifications on by default

So to have them enabled by default then that field should have a value that would enable it by default. Typically you'd use a checkbox field. If you don't display them on registration then the only way to enable them by default is to use a Field action in CB Auto Actions to enable them after a user registers to force those notifications on.


I'm not sure about this. If I go in my profile, on notifications tab, I see a list of options that I can set yes or no. I'd like them to be, bay default, on YES (but user can still set them on NO). If I go on the cb_notif_pm field, I see it's HTML type. Should I change that in textbox? Or should I look somewhere else?
Last edit: 1 month 1 week ago by fioresns.

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  • fioresns
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1 month 1 week ago - 1 month 1 week ago #340190 by fioresns
Replied by fioresns on topic Notifications on by default

And: is there a field or a json file or something like that that counts user's notification? 

I'm trying to make a badge showing how many notification a user has. So I was wondering if there is a notification counter per user somewhere.
Last edit: 1 month 1 week ago by fioresns.

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  • krileon
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1 month 1 week ago #340191 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Notifications on by default

I'm not sure about this. If I go in my profile, on notifications tab, I see a list of options that I can set yes or no. I'd like them to be, bay default, on YES (but user can still set them on NO). If I go on the cb_notif_pm field, I see it's HTML type. Should I change that in textbox? Or should I look somewhere else?

There isn't a way to set a default value for profile edit. Only profile registration IF the field is set to display on registration. To workaround this you'll need CB Auto Actions to establish defaults when a new user registers. The below should work fine for this.

Triggers: onAfterUserRegistration
Type: Field
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Operator: Set
Value: 1

Add as many field rows as you need for setting the different defaults.

As for existing users the fastest way to change their existing value is through a database query or you can just leave existing users be and let them configure it themselves.

I'm trying to make a badge showing how many notification a user has. So I was wondering if there is a notification counter per user somewhere.

How many notifications they have in total or notifications they haven't seen yet? You can display the CB Activity notification icon and popover anywhere you like using the CB Activity Module.

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • fioresns
  • fioresns
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1 month 1 week ago #340192 by fioresns
Replied by fioresns on topic Notifications on by default

How many notifications they have in total or notifications they haven't seen yet? You can display the CB Activity notification icon and popover anywhere you like using the CB Activity Module.

Not seen! I think this is exactly what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure where to find it

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