Hello, I've got a wierd issue after I made some changes. Before I rollback to a previous backup (that would undo even the working changes) I'm hoping there is an easy fix.
The issue: I can log in, and see posts, but I can only click on other users profile links and menu items. Every other click is worthless (the 3 dots on the right, the textbox,
the "Display" dropdown menu, the buttons Like, Comments, Share... they just don't work).
When I get at the bottom of the page, instead of loading older posts it shows a "More" button, that doesn't work if I click it.
I have the feeling it's some trigger I pulled wrong. Is there some kind of easy fix?
EDIT: I noticed that when I click on buttons I get javascript:void(0); error
EDIT2: I even updated joomla from 5.2.1 to 5.2.3. I don't know if the issue was showing prior to the update, it certainly shows now.