At times I have noticed the CBActivity will strip out any text that was pasted into a post when saving. @Mention tags remain as well as typed text, but pasted text is removed. Is there an easy workaround for this? Something I can live without, but my work-users have a hard time remembering they can't use paste when (in my setup) they add notes to an application
FYI - the users are telling me that if the pasted text is the last thing entered into an Activity message it will be stripped. But if they type any amount of character after they paste something it keeps the pasted text and it displays fine.
Very strange, will look into the copy paste JS and see why it could be doing that.
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Pasting seams to be saving in my tests. Can you provide exact steps to reproduce your issue? By last thing entered are they typing something then pasting and now the pasted doesn't save? Does the typed something mean anything or say an @mention then paste fails?
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It appears that if the last interaction with the field is a paste, then that last interaction is stripped and not saved. But if there is any interaction with the field after a paste all previous pasted text is fine. Below are a handful of examples and results I just tested.
________________________ This works
Manually type: “This is a test”
Saved Result: “This is a test”
________________________ This fails to save
Paste: “I pasted this text”
Result: Text turns red and no action when clicking the Post button
________________________ This works fine
Paste: “I pasted this text” and then manually type “This is a test”
Saved Result: “I pasted this text This is a test”
________________________ This does not work
Manually type: “This is a test” and then paste “I pasted this text”
Saved Result: “This is a test"
________________________ This works fine
Paste: “I pasted this text” and then add any character anywhere to the field (say adding a space after ‘I’ or adding the letter ‘Z’ before ‘text’
Saved Result: “I pasted this Z text”
________________________ This does not work
Paste: “I pasted this text” and then add a ‘Z’ before ‘text’, Then paste ‘I pasted this text again’ to the end
Saved Result: “I pasted this Z text”
Strange, that works perfectly fine in my tests. What browser are you using?
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